Durant les trois jours où Marlene et Michel ont été absents (travaux à leur maison secondaire de Grandes-îles) J’ai pu réfléchir à la deuxième étape de la création du ier chapitre de notre doctorat et ses 160 pages consacrées à la formule «WOW-T=2.7K?».

Il y a des étiquettes qui peu à peu prennent place dans la constellation du cadre théorique de cette formule. Comme par exemple celle D’HUMANISME ÉPIQUE… comme si pour la première fois dans l’histoire cosmogénique autant que cosmologique, l’humain avait presque accès à l’origine des règles qui ont gouverné l’univers… celles du big bang et de son bruit de fond cosmologique : 2.7k.

Le héros de ce nouveau récit à la fois épique et mythologique devenant l’humanité, peut maintenant se poser une nouvelle question: QU’Y AVAIT-IL AVANT LE BIG-BANG?

De la lecture du magnifique livre de Nasser Zakariya (a final story, university of Chicago press, 2017), chapitre 10, page 334-335, je retiens cet extrait:


In 1976, The German newpaper Der Spiegel published a 1966 interview with Martin Heidegger, which they had agreed to publish only after the latter’s death. After attempting to adsress his actions as rector of the University of Freiburg in 1933-1934, the interview shifted ground to discussion of the technological inflection of the present. Heidegger’s appréhensions had been particularly stirred up THE FIRST PICTURE OF THE EARTH TAKEN FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE MOON, a photograph transmitted by lunar Orbiter 1 in August of that year. Resonating with the concerns of this past student Arendt, and those in the starkly different idiom of Loren Eiseley, he declared: «We don’t need any atom bomb. The uprooting of man has already taken place. To this uprooting, and the larger distributing planetary movements at play, he declared «only a god can save us», a god who could not be summoned by philosophy of any other human effort: « we can at most awaken the readiness of expectation.» A new revelation was possible, and even necessary, but Heidegger dit not see it as beeing at hand in the work of natural scientists of the day.

The relativity of the center, and the readiness for a new revelation, were captured for Joseph Campbell bay another picture taken two years later: «The idea, it seems to me, is, in a most appropriate way illustrated in that stunning photograph… taken from the moon, and now frequently reproduced, of an earthrise, the earth rising as a radiant celestrial orb, strewing light over a lunar landscape. Is the center the earth? Is the center the moon? The center is anywhere you like. Moreover, in that photograph from its own satellite, the rising earth shows NONE OF THOSE DIVISIVE TERRITORIAL LINES THAT ON OUR MAPS ARE SO CONSPICUOUS AND IMPORTANT. The chosen center may be anywhere. The Holy land is no special place. Il is every place that has ever been recognized and mythologised by any people at home.

Cambell appeared to accept the mythological terms of Sagan’s cosmic perspective in awareness and affirmation of the impact of space travel. And consonant with Sagan’s appeal to Einstein, almost in dialogue with it, Campbell noted that «understanding of the ubiquity of the metaphysical center perfectly matches the lesson of the galaxies and of the Michelson-Morley finding that was épitomized in Einstein’s representation of the utter impossibility of establishing abosulute rest. It is the essence of relativity. And, when translated from the heavens to this earth, it implies that MORAL JUDGMENTS depend likewise upon the relation of THE FRAME OF REFERENCE TO THE PERSON OR ACT BEING MESURED.»

Hans Blumenberg also found an affirmation in the earthrise photograph and the scientific understandings from which it emerged, but an affirmation that emphasized the earth AS THE COSMIC EXCEPTION, as the SPECIAL FRAME thar Eiseley too had in his critic of the exploration of the exploration of space. As Benjamin Lazier has pointed out, Blumemberg recognized in the context of space travel and the earthrise photograph THE POSSIBILITY OF EMBRACING rather than repudiating the earth. «Astronoetics». Blumemberg’s term for an intellectual exploration of and delibaration over space given the experience second, it could still prompt a transformation: a return to Earth by way of the rise of Earth IN THE PICTORAL IMAGINATION.